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a reading hour

27 Oct

i just saw this video by dr.ali aboalhasan and ahmad alshogairy about how important it is to have a few hours of the day just to read books, mr.ahmad said that he dedicated to hours between almaghrib and alisha prayers for reading! he has a room prepared for this purpose, he closes his cell phone – says its an important note- and reads.

I started thinking how great is that and ughhh i’ll never find such time with school starting and all but i really want to accomplish reading like 20 books a year or something because i realised that this is the best way to develop myself and become a better person!

i already dedicate the 30-min-drive to school for that, and my breaks – which are alot this semester btw- but i think its not enough i have to dedicate an hour on my schedual for that, so i decided its going to be from 4-5! + a 30 pages of reading per day!

UPDATE: the 4-5 reading hour didnt work at all, but the 30 pages rule worked! and im about to make it 45 pages. yeey 😛